A Step Towards Digitalization Fontilles’ First Digital Annual Report

Bringing Form to the Digital Age
The Fontilles Foundation was established in 1902 to address public health issues in Spain. Today, the Foundation continues to carry out international health cooperation projects, aiming to improve the quality of life of the most vulnerable populations by providing access to healthcare and rehabilitation services.
Our role was to create the first digital annual report, for Fontilles, transforming it into a more comfortable and accessible version, allowing a wider range of readers to access and share it.
Fundación FontillesServices
Web Design
Web Development

International Efforts
The Fontilles Foundation has developed health cooperation projects around the world, fighting against neglected diseases such as leprosy in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
Our task in designing the digital annual report was to communicate the importance of their work and how design can help convey it through the use of icons, graphics, photographs, and more.

An Adaptive Report
The digital annual report provides a more interactive, seamless, and comfortable reading experience. Therefore, it is essential to have easy access through their website for all audiences, with a responsive design that allows for intuitive and smooth navigation on any device, whether it be a computer, mobile phone, tablet, etc.
Images have the power to capture the essence of Fontilles and convey it to the reader. They not only humanize the statistics, but also foster empathy for the Foundation’s work. With this in mind, we made sure that the images used in the digital Annual Report were carefully selected and thoughtfully placed to enhance the reader’s experience. By combining compelling visuals with accurate and transparent information, we were able to effectively communicate Fontilles’ mission and impact.

Abrimos el Sanatorio de Fontilles, donde más de 3.000 personas afectadas por la lepra encuentran un lugar donde poder vivir con dignidad y ser atendidos.

Construimos la muralla ante las protestas de los pueblos vecinos. Hoy nos recuerda que nadie debe ser estigmatizado por ninguna enfermedad o condición.

Años 30-40
El Sanatorio, con más de 300 residentes, llega a ser un pequeño pueblo, con servicios de panadería, carpintería, herrería, imprenta y encuadernación, zapatería, peluquería, etc.

Iniciamos los cursos internacionales de leprología. La formación es aún uno de los pilares de nuestro trabajo en España y en cooperación internacional.

Iniciamos el primer proyecto de cooperación internacional en India, el país más afectado por la lepra. Actualmente trabajamos en países de Asia, África y América.

Abrimos el Centro Geriátrico Borja, para atender a personas mayores con altos grados de dependencia, aplicadno el sistema de atención centrada en la persona.

Empezamos a tratar el Sanatorio a personas que precisan estancias temporales y rehabilitación post-operatoria. Abrimos el Hospital Ferrís.

Ante la pandemia del Covid-19, adaptamos nuestras actividades a la situación sanitaria en España y en cada país donde trabajamos, para garantizar el derecho a la salud de las personas más vulnerables.
Desliza para descubrir nuestra historia
A Century of Health
Fontilles has been providing health care to the most vulnerable populations for over 100 years, and their presence in various countries has improved the lives of countless individuals.
Since the launch of the digital annual report in 2022, the results have been positive, with an increase in readership.